Anyone ever import a CADENCE Allegro PCB into SolidWorks?
Anyone ever import a CADENCE Allegro PCB into SolidWorks?
I am trying to open a PCB STEP file in Solidworks 2012 SP05. I am running SPB 16.6 so15 latest hotfix. When I export from allegro in AP-203, Solidworks tells me 'The file being read in is not a AP203 or AP214 file.
SOLIDWORKS PCB Connector allows for a seamless collaboration between SOLIDWORKS PCB and SOLIDWORKS. With the help of the Connector, we enable mechanical. To get started on an integrated library, in SOLIDWORKS PCB choose File New Integrated Library. This will create a new Integrated Library Package project. Right click on the project name in the document panel, and select Add New to Project Schematic Library. Repeat for PCB Library.
Hi Folks,I'm just wondering if anyone has ever import a PCB design (done in Allegro) directly into SolidWorks. If so what have you found to be the best intermediate format? Or what intermediate formats are available for export within the Allegro environment (e.g. IGES, STEP, etc.).
I've never done anything like this before and am in the dark. Any feedback would be appreciated greatly.
Open Solidworks Files Without Solidworks
Best regards,Chris Gervais
Application Engineeer
Open Solidworks File Online
Learn how to open a STEP file in SOLIDWORKS. Follow this step-by-step guide so you can open STEP Files without any problems!
How To Open Solidworks Files
Step 2: Menu
Click File Menu and choose Open.
Step 4: Locate the STEP file
Now browse to location where the STEP file is. In mine case it is on desktop.
Step 6: Success
Now the part is opened. You have just successfully opened a STEP file in SOLIDWORKS!
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